// ==UserScript== // @name See LinkedIn Profile Views // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match https://www.linkedin.com/me/profile-views/urn:li:wvmp:summary/ // @grant none // @version 1.0 // @author turtlebasket // @license MIT // @description 3/30/2022 // ==/UserScript== let docStr = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document) let stalkersHTML = "


" for (let line of docStr.split('\n')) { if (line.search("firstName") != 0 && line.search("lastName" != 0)) { try { let res = JSON.parse(line)["included"] ?? null if (res != null) { for (let item of res) { if (item["$type"] == "com.linkedin.voyager.identity.shared.MiniProfile") { photoUrl = item["picture"]["rootUrl"] + item["picture"]["artifacts"].filter(a => a.width == 200)[0]["fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment"] stalkersHTML += `

${item.firstName} ${item.lastName}

`; } } } } catch (e) {} } } let list = document.createElement("div") list.style.padding = "18px" list.style.backgroundColor = "lightgray" list.style.borderRadius = "5px" list.style.color = "black" list.style.fontFamily = ["Comic Sans", "Sans-Serif"] list.style.display = "flex" list.style.flexDirection = "column" list.innerHTML = stalkersHTML console.log(list) let el = document.getElementById("ember37") el.appendChild(list)