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2022-11-30 20:16:21 -08:00
__ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___
/ _` | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ Argument Parser for Modern C++
| (_| | | | (_| | |_) | (_| | | \__ \ __/ http://github.com/p-ranav/argparse
\__,_|_| \__, | .__/ \__,_|_| |___/\___|
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Pranav Srinivas Kumar <pranav.srinivas.kumar@gmail.com>
and other contributors.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <any>
#include <array>
#include <cerrno>
#include <charconv>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
namespace argparse {
namespace details { // namespace for helper methods
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct HasContainerTraits : std::false_type {};
template <> struct HasContainerTraits<std::string> : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct HasContainerTraits<
T, std::void_t<typename T::value_type, decltype(std::declval<T>().begin()),
decltype(std::declval<T>().size())>> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsContainer = HasContainerTraits<T>::value;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct HasStreamableTraits : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct HasStreamableTraits<
std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<std::ostream &>() << std::declval<T>())>>
: std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsStreamable = HasStreamableTraits<T>::value;
constexpr std::size_t repr_max_container_size = 5;
template <typename T> std::string repr(T const &val) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
return val ? "true" : "false";
} else if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<T, std::string_view>) {
return '"' + std::string{std::string_view{val}} + '"';
} else if constexpr (IsContainer<T>) {
std::stringstream out;
out << "{";
const auto size = val.size();
if (size > 1) {
out << repr(*val.begin());
static_cast<typename T::iterator::difference_type>(
std::min<std::size_t>(size, repr_max_container_size) - 1)),
[&out](const auto &v) { out << " " << repr(v); });
if (size <= repr_max_container_size) {
out << " ";
} else {
out << "...";
if (size > 0) {
out << repr(*std::prev(val.end()));
out << "}";
return out.str();
} else if constexpr (IsStreamable<T>) {
std::stringstream out;
out << val;
return out.str();
} else {
return "<not representable>";
namespace {
template <typename T> constexpr bool standard_signed_integer = false;
template <> constexpr bool standard_signed_integer<signed char> = true;
template <> constexpr bool standard_signed_integer<short int> = true;
template <> constexpr bool standard_signed_integer<int> = true;
template <> constexpr bool standard_signed_integer<long int> = true;
template <> constexpr bool standard_signed_integer<long long int> = true;
template <typename T> constexpr bool standard_unsigned_integer = false;
template <> constexpr bool standard_unsigned_integer<unsigned char> = true;
template <> constexpr bool standard_unsigned_integer<unsigned short int> = true;
template <> constexpr bool standard_unsigned_integer<unsigned int> = true;
template <> constexpr bool standard_unsigned_integer<unsigned long int> = true;
template <>
constexpr bool standard_unsigned_integer<unsigned long long int> = true;
} // namespace
constexpr int radix_8 = 8;
constexpr int radix_10 = 10;
constexpr int radix_16 = 16;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool standard_integer =
standard_signed_integer<T> || standard_unsigned_integer<T>;
template <class F, class Tuple, class Extra, std::size_t... I>
constexpr decltype(auto)
apply_plus_one_impl(F &&f, Tuple &&t, Extra &&x,
std::index_sequence<I...> /*unused*/) {
return std::invoke(std::forward<F>(f), std::get<I>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...,
template <class F, class Tuple, class Extra>
constexpr decltype(auto) apply_plus_one(F &&f, Tuple &&t, Extra &&x) {
return details::apply_plus_one_impl(
std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tuple>(t), std::forward<Extra>(x),
constexpr auto pointer_range(std::string_view s) noexcept {
return std::tuple(s.data(), s.data() + s.size());
template <class CharT, class Traits>
constexpr bool starts_with(std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> prefix,
std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> s) noexcept {
return s.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix;
enum class chars_format {
scientific = 0x1,
fixed = 0x2,
hex = 0x4,
general = fixed | scientific
struct ConsumeHexPrefixResult {
bool is_hexadecimal;
std::string_view rest;
using namespace std::literals;
constexpr auto consume_hex_prefix(std::string_view s)
-> ConsumeHexPrefixResult {
if (starts_with("0x"sv, s) || starts_with("0X"sv, s)) {
return {true, s};
return {false, s};
template <class T, auto Param>
inline auto do_from_chars(std::string_view s) -> T {
T x;
auto [first, last] = pointer_range(s);
auto [ptr, ec] = std::from_chars(first, last, x, Param);
if (ec == std::errc()) {
if (ptr == last) {
return x;
throw std::invalid_argument{"pattern does not match to the end"};
if (ec == std::errc::invalid_argument) {
throw std::invalid_argument{"pattern not found"};
if (ec == std::errc::result_out_of_range) {
throw std::range_error{"not representable"};
return x; // unreachable
template <class T, auto Param = 0> struct parse_number {
auto operator()(std::string_view s) -> T {
return do_from_chars<T, Param>(s);
template <class T> struct parse_number<T, radix_16> {
auto operator()(std::string_view s) -> T {
if (auto [ok, rest] = consume_hex_prefix(s); ok) {
return do_from_chars<T, radix_16>(rest);
throw std::invalid_argument{"pattern not found"};
template <class T> struct parse_number<T> {
auto operator()(std::string_view s) -> T {
auto [ok, rest] = consume_hex_prefix(s);
if (ok) {
return do_from_chars<T, radix_16>(rest);
if (starts_with("0"sv, s)) {
return do_from_chars<T, radix_8>(rest);
return do_from_chars<T, radix_10>(rest);
namespace {
template <class T> inline const auto generic_strtod = nullptr;
template <> inline const auto generic_strtod<float> = strtof;
template <> inline const auto generic_strtod<double> = strtod;
template <> inline const auto generic_strtod<long double> = strtold;
} // namespace
template <class T> inline auto do_strtod(std::string const &s) -> T {
if (isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(s[0])) || s[0] == '+') {
throw std::invalid_argument{"pattern not found"};
auto [first, last] = pointer_range(s);
char *ptr;
errno = 0;
auto x = generic_strtod<T>(first, &ptr);
if (errno == 0) {
if (ptr == last) {
return x;
throw std::invalid_argument{"pattern does not match to the end"};
if (errno == ERANGE) {
throw std::range_error{"not representable"};
return x; // unreachable
template <class T> struct parse_number<T, chars_format::general> {
auto operator()(std::string const &s) -> T {
if (auto r = consume_hex_prefix(s); r.is_hexadecimal) {
throw std::invalid_argument{
"chars_format::general does not parse hexfloat"};
return do_strtod<T>(s);
template <class T> struct parse_number<T, chars_format::hex> {
auto operator()(std::string const &s) -> T {
if (auto r = consume_hex_prefix(s); !r.is_hexadecimal) {
throw std::invalid_argument{"chars_format::hex parses hexfloat"};
return do_strtod<T>(s);
template <class T> struct parse_number<T, chars_format::scientific> {
auto operator()(std::string const &s) -> T {
if (auto r = consume_hex_prefix(s); r.is_hexadecimal) {
throw std::invalid_argument{
"chars_format::scientific does not parse hexfloat"};
if (s.find_first_of("eE") == std::string::npos) {
throw std::invalid_argument{
"chars_format::scientific requires exponent part"};
return do_strtod<T>(s);
template <class T> struct parse_number<T, chars_format::fixed> {
auto operator()(std::string const &s) -> T {
if (auto r = consume_hex_prefix(s); r.is_hexadecimal) {
throw std::invalid_argument{
"chars_format::fixed does not parse hexfloat"};
if (s.find_first_of("eE") != std::string::npos) {
throw std::invalid_argument{
"chars_format::fixed does not parse exponent part"};
return do_strtod<T>(s);
template <typename StrIt>
std::string join(StrIt first, StrIt last, const std::string &separator) {
if (first == last) {
return "";
std::stringstream value;
value << *first;
while (first != last) {
value << separator << *first;
return value.str();
} // namespace details
enum class nargs_pattern { optional, any, at_least_one };
enum class default_arguments : unsigned int {
none = 0,
help = 1,
version = 2,
all = help | version,
inline default_arguments operator&(const default_arguments &a,
const default_arguments &b) {
return static_cast<default_arguments>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type<default_arguments>::type>(a) &
class ArgumentParser;
class Argument {
friend class ArgumentParser;
friend auto operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const ArgumentParser &parser)
-> std::ostream &;
template <std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
explicit Argument(std::string_view prefix_chars,
std::array<std::string_view, N> &&a,
std::index_sequence<I...> /*unused*/)
: m_is_optional((is_optional(a[I], prefix_chars) || ...)),
m_is_required(false), m_is_repeatable(false), m_is_used(false),
m_prefix_chars(prefix_chars) {
((void)m_names.emplace_back(a[I]), ...);
m_names.begin(), m_names.end(), [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
return lhs.size() == rhs.size() ? lhs < rhs : lhs.size() < rhs.size();
template <std::size_t N>
explicit Argument(std::string_view prefix_chars,
std::array<std::string_view, N> &&a)
: Argument(prefix_chars, std::move(a), std::make_index_sequence<N>{}) {}
Argument &help(std::string help_text) {
m_help = std::move(help_text);
return *this;
Argument &metavar(std::string metavar) {
m_metavar = std::move(metavar);
return *this;
template <typename T> Argument &default_value(T &&value) {
m_default_value_repr = details::repr(value);
m_default_value = std::forward<T>(value);
return *this;
Argument &required() {
m_is_required = true;
return *this;
Argument &implicit_value(std::any value) {
m_implicit_value = std::move(value);
m_num_args_range = NArgsRange{0, 0};
return *this;
template <class F, class... Args>
auto action(F &&callable, Args &&... bound_args)
-> std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<F, Args..., std::string const>,
Argument &> {
using action_type = std::conditional_t<
std::is_void_v<std::invoke_result_t<F, Args..., std::string const>>,
void_action, valued_action>;
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 0) {
} else {
[f = std::forward<F>(callable),
tup = std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args>(bound_args)...)](
std::string const &opt) mutable {
return details::apply_plus_one(f, tup, opt);
return *this;
auto &append() {
m_is_repeatable = true;
return *this;
template <char Shape, typename T>
auto scan() -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>, Argument &> {
static_assert(!(std::is_const_v<T> || std::is_volatile_v<T>),
"T should not be cv-qualified");
auto is_one_of = [](char c, auto... x) constexpr {
return ((c == x) || ...);
if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'd') && details::standard_integer<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::radix_10>());
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'i') &&
details::standard_integer<T>) {
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'u') &&
details::standard_unsigned_integer<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::radix_10>());
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'o') &&
details::standard_unsigned_integer<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::radix_8>());
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'x', 'X') &&
details::standard_unsigned_integer<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::radix_16>());
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'a', 'A') &&
std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::chars_format::hex>());
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'e', 'E') &&
std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::chars_format::scientific>());
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'f', 'F') &&
std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::chars_format::fixed>());
} else if constexpr (is_one_of(Shape, 'g', 'G') &&
std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
action(details::parse_number<T, details::chars_format::general>());
} else {
static_assert(alignof(T) == 0, "No scan specification for T");
return *this;
Argument &nargs(std::size_t num_args) {
m_num_args_range = NArgsRange{num_args, num_args};
return *this;
Argument &nargs(std::size_t num_args_min, std::size_t num_args_max) {
m_num_args_range = NArgsRange{num_args_min, num_args_max};
return *this;
Argument &nargs(nargs_pattern pattern) {
switch (pattern) {
case nargs_pattern::optional:
m_num_args_range = NArgsRange{0, 1};
case nargs_pattern::any:
m_num_args_range = NArgsRange{0, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()};
case nargs_pattern::at_least_one:
m_num_args_range = NArgsRange{1, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()};
return *this;
Argument &remaining() {
m_accepts_optional_like_value = true;
return nargs(nargs_pattern::any);
template <typename Iterator>
Iterator consume(Iterator start, Iterator end,
std::string_view used_name = {}) {
if (!m_is_repeatable && m_is_used) {
throw std::runtime_error("Duplicate argument");
m_is_used = true;
m_used_name = used_name;
const auto num_args_max = m_num_args_range.get_max();
const auto num_args_min = m_num_args_range.get_min();
std::size_t dist = 0;
if (num_args_max == 0) {
std::visit([](const auto &f) { f({}); }, m_action);
return start;
if ((dist = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(start, end))) >=
num_args_min) {
if (num_args_max < dist) {
end = std::next(start, static_cast<typename Iterator::difference_type>(
if (!m_accepts_optional_like_value) {
end = std::find_if(
start, end,
std::bind(is_optional, std::placeholders::_1, m_prefix_chars));
dist = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(start, end));
if (dist < num_args_min) {
throw std::runtime_error("Too few arguments");
struct ActionApply {
void operator()(valued_action &f) {
std::transform(first, last, std::back_inserter(self.m_values), f);
void operator()(void_action &f) {
std::for_each(first, last, f);
if (!self.m_default_value.has_value()) {
if (!self.m_accepts_optional_like_value) {
static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(first, last)));
Iterator first, last;
Argument &self;
std::visit(ActionApply{start, end, *this}, m_action);
return end;
if (m_default_value.has_value()) {
return start;
throw std::runtime_error("Too few arguments for '" +
std::string(m_used_name) + "'.");
* @throws std::runtime_error if argument values are not valid
void validate() const {
if (m_is_optional) {
// TODO: check if an implicit value was programmed for this argument
if (!m_is_used && !m_default_value.has_value() && m_is_required) {
if (m_is_used && m_is_required && m_values.empty()) {
} else {
if (!m_num_args_range.contains(m_values.size()) &&
!m_default_value.has_value()) {
std::string get_inline_usage() const {
std::stringstream usage;
// Find the longest variant to show in the usage string
std::string longest_name = m_names[0];
for (const auto &s : m_names) {
if (s.size() > longest_name.size()) {
longest_name = s;
if (!m_is_required) {
usage << "[";
usage << longest_name;
const std::string metavar = !m_metavar.empty() ? m_metavar : "VAR";
if (m_num_args_range.get_max() > 0) {
usage << " " << metavar;
if (m_num_args_range.get_max() > 1) {
usage << "...";
if (!m_is_required) {
usage << "]";
return usage.str();
std::size_t get_arguments_length() const {
std::size_t names_size = std::accumulate(
std::begin(m_names), std::end(m_names), std::size_t(0),
[](const auto &sum, const auto &s) { return sum + s.size(); });
if (is_positional(m_names.front(), m_prefix_chars)) {
// A set metavar means this replaces the names
if (!m_metavar.empty()) {
// Indent and metavar
return 2 + m_metavar.size();
// Indent and space-separated
return 2 + names_size + (m_names.size() - 1);
// Is an option - include both names _and_ metavar
// size = text + (", " between names)
std::size_t size = names_size + 2 * (m_names.size() - 1);
if (!m_metavar.empty() && m_num_args_range == NArgsRange{1, 1}) {
size += m_metavar.size() + 1;
return size + 2; // indent
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream,
const Argument &argument) {
std::stringstream name_stream;
name_stream << " "; // indent
if (argument.is_positional(argument.m_names.front(),
argument.m_prefix_chars)) {
if (!argument.m_metavar.empty()) {
name_stream << argument.m_metavar;
} else {
name_stream << details::join(argument.m_names.begin(),
argument.m_names.end(), " ");
} else {
name_stream << details::join(argument.m_names.begin(),
argument.m_names.end(), ", ");
// If we have a metavar, and one narg - print the metavar
if (!argument.m_metavar.empty() &&
argument.m_num_args_range == NArgsRange{1, 1}) {
name_stream << " " << argument.m_metavar;
stream << name_stream.str() << "\t" << argument.m_help;
// print nargs spec
if (!argument.m_help.empty()) {
stream << " ";
stream << argument.m_num_args_range;
if (argument.m_default_value.has_value() &&
argument.m_num_args_range != NArgsRange{0, 0}) {
stream << "[default: " << argument.m_default_value_repr << "]";
} else if (argument.m_is_required) {
stream << "[required]";
stream << "\n";
return stream;
template <typename T> bool operator!=(const T &rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
* Compare to an argument value of known type
* @throws std::logic_error in case of incompatible types
template <typename T> bool operator==(const T &rhs) const {
if constexpr (!details::IsContainer<T>) {
return get<T>() == rhs;
} else {
auto lhs = get<T>();
return std::equal(std::begin(lhs), std::end(lhs), std::begin(rhs),
[](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a == b; });
class NArgsRange {
std::size_t m_min;
std::size_t m_max;
NArgsRange(std::size_t minimum, std::size_t maximum)
: m_min(minimum), m_max(maximum) {
if (minimum > maximum) {
throw std::logic_error("Range of number of arguments is invalid");
bool contains(std::size_t value) const {
return value >= m_min && value <= m_max;
bool is_exact() const { return m_min == m_max; }
bool is_right_bounded() const {
return m_max < std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
std::size_t get_min() const { return m_min; }
std::size_t get_max() const { return m_max; }
// Print help message
friend auto operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const NArgsRange &range)
-> std::ostream & {
if (range.m_min == range.m_max) {
if (range.m_min != 0 && range.m_min != 1) {
stream << "[nargs: " << range.m_min << "] ";
} else {
if (range.m_max == std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()) {
stream << "[nargs: " << range.m_min << " or more] ";
} else {
stream << "[nargs=" << range.m_min << ".." << range.m_max << "] ";
return stream;
bool operator==(const NArgsRange &rhs) const {
return rhs.m_min == m_min && rhs.m_max == m_max;
bool operator!=(const NArgsRange &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
void throw_nargs_range_validation_error() const {
std::stringstream stream;
if (!m_used_name.empty()) {
stream << m_used_name << ": ";
if (m_num_args_range.is_exact()) {
stream << m_num_args_range.get_min();
} else if (m_num_args_range.is_right_bounded()) {
stream << m_num_args_range.get_min() << " to "
<< m_num_args_range.get_max();
} else {
stream << m_num_args_range.get_min() << " or more";
stream << " argument(s) expected. " << m_values.size() << " provided.";
throw std::runtime_error(stream.str());
void throw_required_arg_not_used_error() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << m_names[0] << ": required.";
throw std::runtime_error(stream.str());
void throw_required_arg_no_value_provided_error() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << m_used_name << ": no value provided.";
throw std::runtime_error(stream.str());
static constexpr int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof();
static auto lookahead(std::string_view s) -> int {
if (s.empty()) {
return eof;
return static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned char>(s[0]));
* decimal-literal:
* '0'
* nonzero-digit digit-sequence_opt
* integer-part fractional-part
* fractional-part
* integer-part '.' exponent-part_opt
* integer-part exponent-part
* integer-part:
* digit-sequence
* fractional-part:
* '.' post-decimal-point
* post-decimal-point:
* digit-sequence exponent-part_opt
* exponent-part:
* 'e' post-e
* 'E' post-e
* post-e:
* sign_opt digit-sequence
* sign: one of
* '+' '-'
static bool is_decimal_literal(std::string_view s) {
auto is_digit = [](auto c) constexpr {
switch (c) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
return true;
return false;
// precondition: we have consumed or will consume at least one digit
auto consume_digits = [=](std::string_view sd) {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-qualified-auto)
auto it = std::find_if_not(std::begin(sd), std::end(sd), is_digit);
return sd.substr(static_cast<std::size_t>(it - std::begin(sd)));
switch (lookahead(s)) {
case '0': {
if (s.empty()) {
return true;
goto integer_part;
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9': {
s = consume_digits(s);
if (s.empty()) {
return true;
goto integer_part_consumed;
case '.': {
goto post_decimal_point;
return false;
s = consume_digits(s);
switch (lookahead(s)) {
case '.': {
if (is_digit(lookahead(s))) {
goto post_decimal_point;
} else {
goto exponent_part_opt;
case 'e':
case 'E': {
goto post_e;
return false;
if (is_digit(lookahead(s))) {
s = consume_digits(s);
goto exponent_part_opt;
return false;
switch (lookahead(s)) {
case eof:
return true;
case 'e':
case 'E': {
goto post_e;
return false;
switch (lookahead(s)) {
case '-':
case '+':
if (is_digit(lookahead(s))) {
s = consume_digits(s);
return s.empty();
return false;
static bool is_optional(std::string_view name,
std::string_view prefix_chars) {
return !is_positional(name, prefix_chars);
* positional:
* _empty_
* '-'
* '-' decimal-literal
* !'-' anything
static bool is_positional(std::string_view name,
std::string_view prefix_chars) {
auto first = lookahead(name);
if (first == eof) {
return true;
} else if (prefix_chars.find(static_cast<char>(first)) !=
std::string_view::npos) {
if (name.empty()) {
return true;
return is_decimal_literal(name);
return true;
* Get argument value given a type
* @throws std::logic_error in case of incompatible types
template <typename T>
auto get() const
-> std::conditional_t<details::IsContainer<T>, T, const T &> {
if (!m_values.empty()) {
if constexpr (details::IsContainer<T>) {
return any_cast_container<T>(m_values);
} else {
return *std::any_cast<T>(&m_values.front());
if (m_default_value.has_value()) {
return *std::any_cast<T>(&m_default_value);
if constexpr (details::IsContainer<T>) {
if (!m_accepts_optional_like_value) {
return any_cast_container<T>(m_values);
throw std::logic_error("No value provided for '" + m_names.back() + "'.");
* Get argument value given a type.
* @pre The object has no default value.
* @returns The stored value if any, std::nullopt otherwise.
template <typename T> auto present() const -> std::optional<T> {
if (m_default_value.has_value()) {
throw std::logic_error("Argument with default value always presents");
if (m_values.empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
if constexpr (details::IsContainer<T>) {
return any_cast_container<T>(m_values);
return std::any_cast<T>(m_values.front());
template <typename T>
static auto any_cast_container(const std::vector<std::any> &operand) -> T {
using ValueType = typename T::value_type;
T result;
std::begin(operand), std::end(operand), std::back_inserter(result),
[](const auto &value) { return *std::any_cast<ValueType>(&value); });
return result;
std::vector<std::string> m_names;
std::string_view m_used_name;
std::string m_help;
std::string m_metavar;
std::any m_default_value;
std::string m_default_value_repr;
std::any m_implicit_value;
using valued_action = std::function<std::any(const std::string &)>;
using void_action = std::function<void(const std::string &)>;
std::variant<valued_action, void_action> m_action{
[](const std::string &value) { return value; }};
std::vector<std::any> m_values;
NArgsRange m_num_args_range{1, 1};
bool m_accepts_optional_like_value = false;
bool m_is_optional : true;
bool m_is_required : true;
bool m_is_repeatable : true;
bool m_is_used : true; // True if the optional argument is used by user
std::string_view m_prefix_chars; // ArgumentParser has the prefix_chars
class ArgumentParser {
explicit ArgumentParser(std::string program_name = {},
std::string version = "1.0",
default_arguments add_args = default_arguments::all)
: m_program_name(std::move(program_name)), m_version(std::move(version)),
m_parser_path(m_program_name) {
if ((add_args & default_arguments::help) == default_arguments::help) {
add_argument("-h", "--help")
.action([&](const auto & /*unused*/) {
std::cout << help().str();
.help("shows help message and exits")
if ((add_args & default_arguments::version) == default_arguments::version) {
add_argument("-v", "--version")
.action([&](const auto & /*unused*/) {
std::cout << m_version << std::endl;
.help("prints version information and exits")
ArgumentParser(ArgumentParser &&) noexcept = default;
ArgumentParser &operator=(ArgumentParser &&) = default;
ArgumentParser(const ArgumentParser &other)
: m_program_name(other.m_program_name), m_version(other.m_version),
m_description(other.m_description), m_epilog(other.m_epilog),
m_assign_chars(other.m_assign_chars), m_is_parsed(other.m_is_parsed),
m_parser_path(other.m_parser_path), m_subparsers(other.m_subparsers) {
for (auto it = std::begin(m_positional_arguments);
it != std::end(m_positional_arguments); ++it) {
for (auto it = std::begin(m_optional_arguments);
it != std::end(m_optional_arguments); ++it) {
for (auto it = std::begin(m_subparsers); it != std::end(m_subparsers);
++it) {
m_subparser_map.insert_or_assign(it->get().m_program_name, it);
m_subparser_used.insert_or_assign(it->get().m_program_name, false);
~ArgumentParser() = default;
ArgumentParser &operator=(const ArgumentParser &other) {
auto tmp = other;
std::swap(*this, tmp);
return *this;
// Parameter packing
// Call add_argument with variadic number of string arguments
template <typename... Targs> Argument &add_argument(Targs... f_args) {
using array_of_sv = std::array<std::string_view, sizeof...(Targs)>;
auto argument =
m_prefix_chars, array_of_sv{f_args...});
if (!argument->m_is_optional) {
m_optional_arguments, argument);
return *argument;
// Parameter packed add_parents method
// Accepts a variadic number of ArgumentParser objects
template <typename... Targs>
ArgumentParser &add_parents(const Targs &... f_args) {
for (const ArgumentParser &parent_parser : {std::ref(f_args)...}) {
for (const auto &argument : parent_parser.m_positional_arguments) {
auto it = m_positional_arguments.insert(
std::cend(m_positional_arguments), argument);
for (const auto &argument : parent_parser.m_optional_arguments) {
auto it = m_optional_arguments.insert(std::cend(m_optional_arguments),
return *this;
ArgumentParser &add_description(std::string description) {
m_description = std::move(description);
return *this;
ArgumentParser &add_epilog(std::string epilog) {
m_epilog = std::move(epilog);
return *this;
ArgumentParser &set_prefix_chars(std::string prefix_chars) {
m_prefix_chars = std::move(prefix_chars);
return *this;
ArgumentParser &set_assign_chars(std::string assign_chars) {
m_assign_chars = std::move(assign_chars);
return *this;
/* Call parse_args_internal - which does all the work
* Then, validate the parsed arguments
* This variant is used mainly for testing
* @throws std::runtime_error in case of any invalid argument
void parse_args(const std::vector<std::string> &arguments) {
// Check if all arguments are parsed
for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto &[unused, argument] : m_argument_map) {
/* Call parse_known_args_internal - which does all the work
* Then, validate the parsed arguments
* This variant is used mainly for testing
* @throws std::runtime_error in case of any invalid argument
parse_known_args(const std::vector<std::string> &arguments) {
auto unknown_arguments = parse_known_args_internal(arguments);
// Check if all arguments are parsed
for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto &[unused, argument] : m_argument_map) {
return unknown_arguments;
/* Main entry point for parsing command-line arguments using this
* ArgumentParser
* @throws std::runtime_error in case of any invalid argument
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays)
void parse_args(int argc, const char *const argv[]) {
parse_args({argv, argv + argc});
/* Main entry point for parsing command-line arguments using this
* ArgumentParser
* @throws std::runtime_error in case of any invalid argument
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays)
auto parse_known_args(int argc, const char *const argv[]) {
return parse_known_args({argv, argv + argc});
/* Getter for options with default values.
* @throws std::logic_error if parse_args() has not been previously called
* @throws std::logic_error if there is no such option
* @throws std::logic_error if the option has no value
* @throws std::bad_any_cast if the option is not of type T
template <typename T = std::string>
auto get(std::string_view arg_name) const
-> std::conditional_t<details::IsContainer<T>, T, const T &> {
if (!m_is_parsed) {
throw std::logic_error("Nothing parsed, no arguments are available.");
return (*this)[arg_name].get<T>();
/* Getter for options without default values.
* @pre The option has no default value.
* @throws std::logic_error if there is no such option
* @throws std::bad_any_cast if the option is not of type T
template <typename T = std::string>
auto present(std::string_view arg_name) const -> std::optional<T> {
return (*this)[arg_name].present<T>();
/* Getter that returns true for user-supplied options. Returns false if not
* user-supplied, even with a default value.
auto is_used(std::string_view arg_name) const {
return (*this)[arg_name].m_is_used;
/* Getter that returns true for user-supplied options. Returns false if not
* user-supplied, even with a default value.
auto is_subcommand_used(std::string_view subcommand_name) const {
return m_subparser_used.at(subcommand_name);
/* Indexing operator. Return a reference to an Argument object
* Used in conjuction with Argument.operator== e.g., parser["foo"] == true
* @throws std::logic_error in case of an invalid argument name
Argument &operator[](std::string_view arg_name) const {
auto it = m_argument_map.find(arg_name);
if (it != m_argument_map.end()) {
return *(it->second);
if (!is_valid_prefix_char(arg_name.front())) {
std::string name(arg_name);
const auto legal_prefix_char = get_any_valid_prefix_char();
const auto prefix = std::string(1, legal_prefix_char);
// "-" + arg_name
name = prefix + name;
it = m_argument_map.find(name);
if (it != m_argument_map.end()) {
return *(it->second);
// "--" + arg_name
name = prefix + name;
it = m_argument_map.find(name);
if (it != m_argument_map.end()) {
return *(it->second);
throw std::logic_error("No such argument: " + std::string(arg_name));
// Print help message
friend auto operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const ArgumentParser &parser)
-> std::ostream & {
auto longest_arg_length = parser.get_length_of_longest_argument();
stream << parser.usage() << "\n\n";
if (!parser.m_description.empty()) {
stream << parser.m_description << "\n\n";
if (!parser.m_positional_arguments.empty()) {
stream << "Positional arguments:\n";
for (const auto &argument : parser.m_positional_arguments) {
stream << argument;
if (!parser.m_optional_arguments.empty()) {
stream << (parser.m_positional_arguments.empty() ? "" : "\n")
<< "Optional arguments:\n";
for (const auto &argument : parser.m_optional_arguments) {
stream << argument;
if (!parser.m_subparser_map.empty()) {
stream << (parser.m_positional_arguments.empty()
? (parser.m_optional_arguments.empty() ? "" : "\n")
: "\n")
<< "Subcommands:\n";
for (const auto &[command, subparser] : parser.m_subparser_map) {
stream << std::setw(2) << " ";
stream << std::setw(static_cast<int>(longest_arg_length - 2))
<< command;
stream << " " << subparser->get().m_description << "\n";
if (!parser.m_epilog.empty()) {
stream << '\n';
stream << parser.m_epilog << "\n\n";
return stream;
// Format help message
auto help() const -> std::stringstream {
std::stringstream out;
out << *this;
return out;
// Format usage part of help only
auto usage() const -> std::string {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "Usage: " << this->m_program_name;
// Add any options inline here
for (const auto &argument : this->m_optional_arguments) {
if (argument.m_names[0] == "-v") {
} else if (argument.m_names[0] == "-h") {
stream << " [-h]";
} else {
stream << " " << argument.get_inline_usage();
// Put positional arguments after the optionals
for (const auto &argument : this->m_positional_arguments) {
if (!argument.m_metavar.empty()) {
stream << " " << argument.m_metavar;
} else {
stream << " " << argument.m_names.front();
// Put subcommands after positional arguments
if (!m_subparser_map.empty()) {
stream << " {";
std::size_t i{0};
for (const auto &[command, unused] : m_subparser_map) {
if (i == 0) {
stream << command;
} else {
stream << "," << command;
stream << "}";
return stream.str();
// Printing the one and only help message
// I've stuck with a simple message format, nothing fancy.
[[deprecated("Use cout << program; instead. See also help().")]] std::string
print_help() const {
auto out = help();
std::cout << out.rdbuf();
return out.str();
void add_subparser(ArgumentParser &parser) {
parser.m_parser_path = m_program_name + " " + parser.m_program_name;
auto it = m_subparsers.emplace(std::cend(m_subparsers), parser);
m_subparser_map.insert_or_assign(parser.m_program_name, it);
m_subparser_used.insert_or_assign(parser.m_program_name, false);
bool is_valid_prefix_char(char c) const {
return m_prefix_chars.find(c) != std::string::npos;
char get_any_valid_prefix_char() const { return m_prefix_chars[0]; }
* Pre-process this argument list. Anything starting with "--", that
* contains an =, where the prefix before the = has an entry in the
* options table, should be split.
preprocess_arguments(const std::vector<std::string> &raw_arguments) const {
std::vector<std::string> arguments{};
for (const auto &arg : raw_arguments) {
const auto argument_starts_with_prefix_chars =
[this](const std::string &a) -> bool {
if (!a.empty()) {
const auto legal_prefix = [this](char c) -> bool {
return m_prefix_chars.find(c) != std::string::npos;
// Windows-style
// if '/' is a legal prefix char
// then allow single '/' followed by argument name, followed by an
// assign char, e.g., ':' e.g., 'test.exe /A:Foo'
const auto windows_style = legal_prefix('/');
if (windows_style) {
if (legal_prefix(a[0])) {
return true;
} else {
// Slash '/' is not a legal prefix char
// For all other characters, only support long arguments
// i.e., the argument must start with 2 prefix chars, e.g,
// '--foo' e,g, './test --foo=Bar -DARG=yes'
if (a.size() > 1) {
return (legal_prefix(a[0]) && legal_prefix(a[1]));
return false;
// Check that:
// - We don't have an argument named exactly this
// - The argument starts with a prefix char, e.g., "--"
// - The argument contains an assign char, e.g., "="
auto assign_char_pos = arg.find_first_of(m_assign_chars);
if (m_argument_map.find(arg) == m_argument_map.end() &&
argument_starts_with_prefix_chars(arg) &&
assign_char_pos != std::string::npos) {
// Get the name of the potential option, and check it exists
std::string opt_name = arg.substr(0, assign_char_pos);
if (m_argument_map.find(opt_name) != m_argument_map.end()) {
// This is the name of an option! Split it into two parts
arguments.push_back(arg.substr(assign_char_pos + 1));
// If we've fallen through to here, then it's a standard argument
return arguments;
* @throws std::runtime_error in case of any invalid argument
void parse_args_internal(const std::vector<std::string> &raw_arguments) {
auto arguments = preprocess_arguments(raw_arguments);
if (m_program_name.empty() && !arguments.empty()) {
m_program_name = arguments.front();
auto end = std::end(arguments);
auto positional_argument_it = std::begin(m_positional_arguments);
for (auto it = std::next(std::begin(arguments)); it != end;) {
const auto &current_argument = *it;
if (Argument::is_positional(current_argument, m_prefix_chars)) {
if (positional_argument_it == std::end(m_positional_arguments)) {
std::string_view maybe_command = current_argument;
// Check sub-parsers
auto subparser_it = m_subparser_map.find(maybe_command);
if (subparser_it != m_subparser_map.end()) {
// build list of remaining args
const auto unprocessed_arguments =
std::vector<std::string>(it, end);
// invoke subparser
m_is_parsed = true;
m_subparser_used[maybe_command] = true;
return subparser_it->second->get().parse_args(
throw std::runtime_error(
"Maximum number of positional arguments exceeded");
auto argument = positional_argument_it++;
it = argument->consume(it, end);
auto arg_map_it = m_argument_map.find(current_argument);
if (arg_map_it != m_argument_map.end()) {
auto argument = arg_map_it->second;
it = argument->consume(std::next(it), end, arg_map_it->first);
} else if (const auto &compound_arg = current_argument;
compound_arg.size() > 1 &&
is_valid_prefix_char(compound_arg[0]) &&
!is_valid_prefix_char(compound_arg[1])) {
for (std::size_t j = 1; j < compound_arg.size(); j++) {
auto hypothetical_arg = std::string{'-', compound_arg[j]};
auto arg_map_it2 = m_argument_map.find(hypothetical_arg);
if (arg_map_it2 != m_argument_map.end()) {
auto argument = arg_map_it2->second;
it = argument->consume(it, end, arg_map_it2->first);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown argument: " + current_argument);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown argument: " + current_argument);
m_is_parsed = true;
* Like parse_args_internal but collects unused args into a vector<string>
parse_known_args_internal(const std::vector<std::string> &raw_arguments) {
auto arguments = preprocess_arguments(raw_arguments);
std::vector<std::string> unknown_arguments{};
if (m_program_name.empty() && !arguments.empty()) {
m_program_name = arguments.front();
auto end = std::end(arguments);
auto positional_argument_it = std::begin(m_positional_arguments);
for (auto it = std::next(std::begin(arguments)); it != end;) {
const auto &current_argument = *it;
if (Argument::is_positional(current_argument, m_prefix_chars)) {
if (positional_argument_it == std::end(m_positional_arguments)) {
std::string_view maybe_command = current_argument;
// Check sub-parsers
auto subparser_it = m_subparser_map.find(maybe_command);
if (subparser_it != m_subparser_map.end()) {
// build list of remaining args
const auto unprocessed_arguments =
std::vector<std::string>(it, end);
// invoke subparser
m_is_parsed = true;
m_subparser_used[maybe_command] = true;
return subparser_it->second->get().parse_known_args_internal(
// save current argument as unknown and go to next argument
} else {
// current argument is the value of a positional argument
// consume it
auto argument = positional_argument_it++;
it = argument->consume(it, end);
auto arg_map_it = m_argument_map.find(current_argument);
if (arg_map_it != m_argument_map.end()) {
auto argument = arg_map_it->second;
it = argument->consume(std::next(it), end, arg_map_it->first);
} else if (const auto &compound_arg = current_argument;
compound_arg.size() > 1 &&
is_valid_prefix_char(compound_arg[0]) &&
!is_valid_prefix_char(compound_arg[1])) {
for (std::size_t j = 1; j < compound_arg.size(); j++) {
auto hypothetical_arg = std::string{'-', compound_arg[j]};
auto arg_map_it2 = m_argument_map.find(hypothetical_arg);
if (arg_map_it2 != m_argument_map.end()) {
auto argument = arg_map_it2->second;
it = argument->consume(it, end, arg_map_it2->first);
} else {
} else {
// current argument is an optional-like argument that is unknown
// save it and move to next argument
m_is_parsed = true;
return unknown_arguments;
// Used by print_help.
std::size_t get_length_of_longest_argument() const {
if (m_argument_map.empty()) {
return 0;
std::size_t max_size = 0;
for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto &[unused, argument] : m_argument_map) {
max_size = std::max(max_size, argument->get_arguments_length());
for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto &[command, unused] : m_subparser_map) {
max_size = std::max(max_size, command.size());
return max_size;
using argument_it = std::list<Argument>::iterator;
using argument_parser_it =
void index_argument(argument_it it) {
for (const auto &name : std::as_const(it->m_names)) {
m_argument_map.insert_or_assign(name, it);
std::string m_program_name;
std::string m_version;
std::string m_description;
std::string m_epilog;
std::string m_prefix_chars{"-"};
std::string m_assign_chars{"="};
bool m_is_parsed = false;
std::list<Argument> m_positional_arguments;
std::list<Argument> m_optional_arguments;
std::map<std::string_view, argument_it, std::less<>> m_argument_map;
std::string m_parser_path;
std::list<std::reference_wrapper<ArgumentParser>> m_subparsers;
std::map<std::string_view, argument_parser_it, std::less<>> m_subparser_map;
std::map<std::string_view, bool, std::less<>> m_subparser_used;
} // namespace argparse