
81 lines
1.9 KiB

# distutils: sources = src/openGJK.c
# distutils: include_dirs = include/openGJK
# cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False
cimport openGJK_cython
import numpy as np
from libc.stdlib cimport free, malloc
from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
# Create Python function
def pygjk(bod1, bod2):
# Declare data types
simplex s
bd bd1
bd bd2
double dist2
# Convert 1D array to 2D, if any
if bod1.ndim < 2:
bod1 = np.append([bod1], [[1.,1.,1.]], axis = 0)
bd1.numpoints = np.size(bod1,0) - 1
bd1.numpoints = np.size(bod1,0)
if bod2.ndim < 2:
bod2 = np.append([bod2], [[1.,1.,1.]], axis = 0)
bd2.numpoints = np.size(bod2,0) - 1
bd2.numpoints = np.size(bod2,0)
# Allocate memory for bodies
bd1.coord = <double **> malloc(bd1.numpoints * sizeof(double *))
if not bd1.coord:
raise NameError('Not enough memory for bd1.coord')
for i in range(0, bd1.numpoints):
bd1.coord[i] = <double *> malloc(3 * sizeof(double))
if not bd1.coord[i]:
raise NameError('Not enough memory for bd1.coord[]')
bd2.coord = <double **> malloc(bd2.numpoints * sizeof(double *))
if not bd2.coord:
raise NameError('Not enough memory for bd2.coord')
for j in range(0, bd2.numpoints):
bd2.coord[j] = <double *> malloc(3 * sizeof(double))
if not bd2.coord[j]:
raise NameError('Not enough memory for bd2.coord[]')
# Create numpy-array MemoryView
double [:,:] narr1 = bod1
double [:,:] narr2 = bod2
# Assign coordinate values
for i in range(0, bd1.numpoints):
for j in range(0,3):
bd1.coord[i][j] = narr1[i,j]
for i in range(0, bd2.numpoints):
for j in range(0,3):
bd2.coord[i][j] = narr2[i,j]
# Call C function
dist2 = gjk(bd1, bd2, &s)
# Free the memory
for ii in range(0, bd1.numpoints):
for jj in range(0, bd2.numpoints):
return dist2