using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; // The threat assignment class assigns missiles to the targets based // on the threat level of the targets. public class ThreatAssignment : Assignment { // Assign a target to each missile that has not been assigned a target yet. public override void Assign(List missiles, List targets) { List assignableMissileIndices = GetAssignableMissileIndices(missiles); if (assignableMissileIndices.Count == 0) { return; } List activeTargetIndices = GetActiveTargetIndices(targets); if (activeTargetIndices.Count == 0) { return; } Vector3 missilesMeanPosition = CalculateMeanPosition(missiles); List threatInfos = CalculateThreatLevels(targets, activeTargetIndices, missilesMeanPosition); foreach (int missileIndex in assignableMissileIndices) { if (threatInfos.Count == 0) break; ThreatInfo highestThreat = threatInfos[0]; missileToTargetAssignments.AddFirst(new AssignmentItem(missileIndex, highestThreat.TargetIndex)); threatInfos.RemoveAt(0); } } private Vector3 CalculateMeanPosition(List agents) { return agents.Aggregate(, (sum, agent) => sum + agent.transform.position) / agents.Count; } private List CalculateThreatLevels(List targets, List activeTargetIndices, Vector3 missilesMeanPosition) { List threatInfos = new List(); foreach (int targetIndex in activeTargetIndices) { Agent target = targets[targetIndex]; float distanceToMean = Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, missilesMeanPosition); float velocityMagnitude = target.GetVelocity().magnitude; // Calculate threat level based on proximity and velocity float threatLevel = (1 / distanceToMean) * velocityMagnitude; threatInfos.Add(new ThreatInfo(targetIndex, threatLevel)); } // Sort threats in descending order return threatInfos.OrderByDescending(t => t.ThreatLevel).ToList(); } private class ThreatInfo { public int TargetIndex { get; } public float ThreatLevel { get; } public ThreatInfo(int targetIndex, float threatLevel) { TargetIndex = targetIndex; ThreatLevel = threatLevel; } } }