using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; public class SimMonitor : MonoBehaviour { private const float _updateRate = 0.1f; // 100 Hz private string _telemetryBinPath; private string _eventLogPath; private Coroutine _monitorRoutine; private string _sessionDirectory; private FileStream _telemetryFileStream; private BinaryWriter _telemetryBinaryWriter; [SerializeField] private List _eventLogCache; [System.Serializable] private class EventRecord { public float Time; public float PositionX; public float PositionY; public float PositionZ; public string EventType; public string Details; } private void Awake() { InitializeSessionDirectory(); } private void Start() { SimManager.Instance.OnSimulationStarted += RegisterSimulationStarted; SimManager.Instance.OnSimulationEnded += RegisterSimulationEnded; SimManager.Instance.OnNewThreat += RegisterNewThreat; SimManager.Instance.OnNewInterceptor += RegisterNewInterceptor; } private void InitializeSessionDirectory() { string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); _sessionDirectory = Application.persistentDataPath + $"\\Telemetry\\Logs\\{timestamp}"; Directory.CreateDirectory(_sessionDirectory); Debug.Log($"Monitoring simulation logs to {_sessionDirectory}"); } private void InitializeLogFiles() { string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); _eventLogPath = Path.Combine(_sessionDirectory, $"sim_events_{timestamp}.csv"); // Initialize the event log cache _eventLogCache = new List(); _telemetryBinPath = Path.Combine(_sessionDirectory, $"sim_telemetry_{timestamp}.bin"); // Open the file stream and binary writer for telemetry data _telemetryFileStream = new FileStream(_telemetryBinPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); _telemetryBinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(_telemetryFileStream); Debug.Log("Log files initialized successfully."); } private void CloseLogFiles() { if (_telemetryBinaryWriter != null) { _telemetryBinaryWriter.Flush(); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Close(); _telemetryBinaryWriter = null; } if (_telemetryFileStream != null) { _telemetryFileStream.Close(); _telemetryFileStream = null; } } private IEnumerator MonitorRoutine() { while (true) { RecordTelemetry(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(_updateRate); } } private void RecordTelemetry() { float time = (float)SimManager.Instance.GetElapsedSimulationTime(); var agents = SimManager.Instance.GetActiveAgents(); if(_telemetryBinaryWriter == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Telemetry binary writer is null"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < agents.Count; i++) { var agent = agents[i]; if (!agent.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) continue; Vector3 pos = agent.transform.position; if (pos == continue; Vector3 vel = agent.GetVelocity(); // Ensure GetVelocity() doesn't allocate int agentID = agent.GetInstanceID(); int flightPhase = (int)agent.GetFlightPhase(); byte agentType = (byte)(agent is Threat ? 0 : 1); // Write telemetry data directly to the binary file _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(time); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(agentID); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(pos.x); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(pos.y); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(pos.z); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(vel.x); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(vel.y); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(vel.z); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(flightPhase); _telemetryBinaryWriter.Write(agentType); } } public void ConvertBinaryTelemetryToCsv(string binaryFilePath, string csvFilePath) { try { using FileStream fs = new FileStream(binaryFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); using BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs); using StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(csvFilePath, false); { // Write CSV header writer.WriteLine("Time,AgentID,AgentX,AgentY,AgentZ,AgentVX,AgentVY,AgentVZ,AgentState,AgentType"); while (reader.BaseStream.Position != reader.BaseStream.Length) { float time = reader.ReadSingle(); int agentID = reader.ReadInt32(); float posX = reader.ReadSingle(); float posY = reader.ReadSingle(); float posZ = reader.ReadSingle(); float velX = reader.ReadSingle(); float velY = reader.ReadSingle(); float velZ = reader.ReadSingle(); int flightPhase = reader.ReadInt32(); byte agentTypeByte = reader.ReadByte(); string agentType = agentTypeByte == 0 ? "T" : "M"; // Write the data to CSV writer.WriteLine($"{time:F2},{agentID},{posX:F2},{posY:F2},{posZ:F2},{velX:F2},{velY:F2},{velZ:F2},{flightPhase},{agentType}"); } } } catch (IOException e) { Debug.LogWarning($"An IO error occurred while converting binary telemetry to CSV: {e.Message}"); } } private void WriteEventsToFile() { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_eventLogPath, false)) { // Write CSV header writer.WriteLine("Time,PositionX,PositionY,PositionZ,Event,Details"); foreach (var record in _eventLogCache) { writer.WriteLine($"{record.Time:F2},{record.PositionX:F2},{record.PositionY:F2},{record.PositionZ:F2},{record.EventType},{record.Details}"); } } } private void RegisterSimulationStarted() { InitializeLogFiles(); _monitorRoutine = StartCoroutine(MonitorRoutine()); } private void RegisterSimulationEnded() { StopCoroutine(_monitorRoutine); CloseLogFiles(); WriteEventsToFile(); StartCoroutine(ConvertBinaryTelemetryToCsvCoroutine(_telemetryBinPath, Path.ChangeExtension(_telemetryBinPath, ".csv"))); } private IEnumerator ConvertBinaryTelemetryToCsvCoroutine(string binaryFilePath, string csvFilePath) { yield return null; // Wait for the next frame to ensure RecordTelemetry() has finished ConvertBinaryTelemetryToCsv(binaryFilePath, csvFilePath); } public void RegisterNewThreat(Threat threat) { RegisterNewAgent(threat, "NEW_THREAT"); } public void RegisterNewInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) { RegisterNewAgent(interceptor, "NEW_INTERCEPTOR"); interceptor.OnInterceptMiss += RegisterInterceptorMiss; interceptor.OnInterceptHit += RegisterInterceptorHit; } private void RegisterNewAgent(Agent agent, string eventType) { float time = (float)SimManager.Instance.GetElapsedSimulationTime(); Vector3 pos = agent.transform.position; var record = new EventRecord { Time = time, PositionX = pos.x, PositionY = pos.y, PositionZ = pos.z, EventType = eventType, Details = }; _eventLogCache.Add(record); } public void RegisterInterceptorHit(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { RegisterInterceptEvent(interceptor, threat, true); } public void RegisterInterceptorMiss(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { RegisterInterceptEvent(interceptor, threat, false); } public void RegisterInterceptEvent(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat, bool hit) { float time = (float)SimManager.Instance.GetElapsedSimulationTime(); Vector3 pos = interceptor.transform.position; string eventType = hit ? "HIT" : "MISS"; var record = new EventRecord { Time = time, PositionX = pos.x, PositionY = pos.y, PositionZ = pos.z, EventType = eventType, Details = $"{} and {}" }; _eventLogCache.Add(record); } private void OnDestroy() { CloseLogFiles(); } }