using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; // Integrated Air Defense System public class IADS : MonoBehaviour { public enum ThreatAssignmentStyle { ONE_TIME, CONTINUOUS } public static IADS Instance { get; private set; } private IAssignment _assignmentScheme; [SerializeField] private List<ThreatData> _threatTable = new List<ThreatData>(); private Dictionary<Threat, ThreatData> _threatDataMap = new Dictionary<Threat, ThreatData>(); private List<Interceptor> _assignmentQueue = new List<Interceptor>(); private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); } } private void Start() { SimManager.Instance.OnSimulationEnded += RegisterSimulationEnded; SimManager.Instance.OnNewThreat += RegisterNewThreat; SimManager.Instance.OnNewInterceptor += RegisterNewInterceptor; _assignmentScheme = new ThreatAssignment(); } public void LateUpdate() { if (_assignmentQueue.Count > 0) { AssignInterceptorsToThreats(_assignmentQueue); _assignmentQueue.Clear(); } } public void RequestThreatAssignment(List<Interceptor> interceptors) { _assignmentQueue.AddRange(interceptors); } public void RequestThreatAssignment(Interceptor interceptor) { _assignmentQueue.Add(interceptor); } /// <summary> /// Assigns the specified list of missiles to available targets based on the assignment scheme. /// </summary> /// <param name="missilesToAssign">The list of missiles to assign.</param> public void AssignInterceptorsToThreats(List<Interceptor> missilesToAssign) { // Perform the assignment IEnumerable<IAssignment.AssignmentItem> assignments = _assignmentScheme.Assign(missilesToAssign, _threatTable); // Apply the assignments to the missiles foreach (var assignment in assignments) { assignment.Interceptor.AssignTarget(assignment.Threat); _threatDataMap[assignment.Threat].AssignInterceptor(assignment.Interceptor); Debug.Log($"Interceptor {} assigned to threat {}"); } // Check if any interceptors were not assigned List<Interceptor> unassignedInterceptors = missilesToAssign.Where(m => !m.HasAssignedTarget()).ToList(); if (unassignedInterceptors.Count > 0) { string unassignedIds = string.Join(", ", unassignedInterceptors.Select(m =>; int totalInterceptors = missilesToAssign.Count; int assignedInterceptors = totalInterceptors - unassignedInterceptors.Count; Debug.LogWarning($"Warning: {unassignedInterceptors.Count} out of {totalInterceptors} interceptors were not assigned to any threat. " + $"Unassigned interceptor IDs: {unassignedIds}. " + $"Total interceptors: {totalInterceptors}, Assigned: {assignedInterceptors}, Unassigned: {unassignedInterceptors.Count}"); // Log information about the assignment scheme Debug.Log($"Current Assignment Scheme: {_assignmentScheme.GetType().Name}"); } } public void RegisterNewThreat(Threat threat) { ThreatData threatData = new ThreatData(threat,; _threatTable.Add(threatData); _threatDataMap.Add(threat, threatData); // Subscribe to the threat's events // TODO: If we do not want omniscient IADS, we // need to model the IADS's sensors here. threat.OnInterceptHit += RegisterThreatHit; threat.OnInterceptMiss += RegisterThreatMiss; } public void RegisterNewInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) { // Placeholder interceptor.OnInterceptMiss += RegisterInterceptorMiss; interceptor.OnInterceptHit += RegisterInterceptorHit; } private void RegisterInterceptorHit(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { ThreatData threatData = _threatDataMap[threat]; if (threatData != null) { threatData.RemoveInterceptor(interceptor); MarkThreatDestroyed(threatData); } } private void RegisterInterceptorMiss(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { // Remove the interceptor from the threat's assigned interceptors _threatDataMap[threat].RemoveInterceptor(interceptor); } private void RegisterThreatHit(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { ThreatData threatData = _threatDataMap[threat]; if (threatData != null) { threatData.RemoveInterceptor(interceptor); MarkThreatDestroyed(threatData); } } private void MarkThreatDestroyed(ThreatData threatData) { if (threatData != null) { threatData.MarkDestroyed(); } } private void RegisterThreatMiss(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { ThreatData threatData = _threatDataMap[threat]; threatData.RemoveInterceptor(interceptor); } private void RegisterSimulationEnded() { _threatTable.Clear(); _threatDataMap.Clear(); _assignmentQueue.Clear(); } }