using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; /// /// Manages the simulation by handling missiles, targets, and their assignments. /// Implements the Singleton pattern to ensure only one instance exists. /// public class SimManager : MonoBehaviour { /// /// Singleton instance of SimManager. /// public static SimManager Instance { get; private set; } /// /// Configuration settings for the simulation. /// [SerializeField] public SimulationConfig simulationConfig; private List _activeInterceptors = new List(); private List _interceptorObjects = new List(); private List _threatObjects = new List(); private float _elapsedSimulationTime = 0f; private float endTime = 100f; // Set an appropriate end time private bool simulationRunning = false; public delegate void SimulationEventHandler(); public event SimulationEventHandler OnSimulationEnded; public event SimulationEventHandler OnSimulationStarted; public delegate void NewThreatEventHandler(Threat threat); public event NewThreatEventHandler OnNewThreat; public delegate void NewInterceptorEventHandler(Interceptor interceptor); public event NewInterceptorEventHandler OnNewInterceptor; /// /// Gets the elapsed simulation time. /// /// The elapsed time in seconds. public double GetElapsedSimulationTime() { return _elapsedSimulationTime; } public List GetActiveInterceptors() { return _activeInterceptors; } public List GetActiveThreats() { return _threatObjects.Where(threat => !threat.IsHit()).ToList(); } public List GetActiveAgents() { return _activeInterceptors.ConvertAll(interceptor => interceptor as Agent) .Concat(GetActiveThreats().ConvertAll(threat => threat as Agent)) .ToList(); } void Awake() { // Ensure only one instance of SimManager exists if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } simulationConfig = ConfigLoader.LoadSimulationConfig("1_salvo_1_hydra_7_drones.json"); Debug.Log(simulationConfig); } void Start() { // Slow down time by simulationConfig.timeScale if (Instance == this) { StartSimulation(); ResumeSimulation(); } } public void SetTimeScale(float timeScale) { Time.timeScale = timeScale; Time.fixedDeltaTime = Time.timeScale * 0.02f; Time.maximumDeltaTime = Time.timeScale * 0.15f; } public void StartSimulation() { InitializeSimulation(); OnSimulationStarted?.Invoke(); } public void PauseSimulation() { SetTimeScale(0); simulationRunning = false; } public void ResumeSimulation() { SetTimeScale(simulationConfig.timeScale); simulationRunning = true; } public bool IsSimulationRunning() { return simulationRunning; } private void InitializeSimulation() { List missiles = new List(); // Create missiles based on config foreach (var swarmConfig in simulationConfig.interceptor_swarm_configs) { for (int i = 0; i < swarmConfig.num_agents; i++) { CreateInterceptor(swarmConfig.agent_config); } } List targets = new List(); // Create targets based on config foreach (var swarmConfig in simulationConfig.threat_swarm_configs) { for (int i = 0; i < swarmConfig.num_agents; i++) { CreateThreat(swarmConfig.agent_config); } } // Invoke the simulation started event to let listeners // know to invoke their own handler behavior OnSimulationStarted?.Invoke(); } public void AssignInterceptorsToThreats() { IADS.Instance.AssignInterceptorsToThreats(_interceptorObjects); } public void RegisterInterceptorHit(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { if (interceptor is Interceptor missileComponent) { _activeInterceptors.Remove(missileComponent); } } public void RegisterInterceptorMiss(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { if (interceptor is Interceptor missileComponent) { _activeInterceptors.Remove(missileComponent); } } public void RegisterThreatHit(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { // Placeholder } public void RegisterThreatMiss(Interceptor interceptor, Threat threat) { Debug.Log($"RegisterThreatMiss: Interceptor {} missed threat {}"); // Placeholder } /// /// Creates a interceptor based on the provided configuration. /// /// Configuration settings for the interceptor. /// The created Interceptor instance, or null if creation failed. public Interceptor CreateInterceptor(AgentConfig config) { string prefabName = config.interceptor_type switch { InterceptorType.HYDRA_70 => "Hydra70", InterceptorType.MICROMISSILE => "Micromissile", _ => "Hydra70" }; GameObject interceptorObject = CreateAgent(config, prefabName); if (interceptorObject == null) return null; // Interceptor-specific logic switch (config.dynamic_config.sensor_config.type) { case SensorType.IDEAL: interceptorObject.AddComponent(); break; default: Debug.LogError($"Sensor type '{config.dynamic_config.sensor_config.type}' not found."); break; } Interceptor interceptor = interceptorObject.GetComponent(); _interceptorObjects.Add(interceptor); _activeInterceptors.Add(interceptor); // Subscribe events interceptor.OnInterceptHit += RegisterInterceptorHit; interceptor.OnInterceptMiss += RegisterInterceptorMiss; // Assign a unique and simple ID int interceptorId = _interceptorObjects.Count; = $"{config.interceptor_type}_Interceptor_{interceptorId}"; // Let listeners know a new interceptor has been created OnNewInterceptor?.Invoke(interceptor); return interceptorObject.GetComponent(); } /// /// Creates a threat based on the provided configuration. /// /// Configuration settings for the threat. /// The created Threat instance, or null if creation failed. private Threat CreateThreat(AgentConfig config) { string prefabName = config.threat_type switch { ThreatType.DRONE => "Drone", ThreatType.ANTISHIP_MISSILE => "AntishipMissile", _ => throw new System.ArgumentException($"Unsupported threat type: {config.threat_type}") }; GameObject threatObject = CreateAgent(config, prefabName); if (threatObject == null) return null; Threat threat = threatObject.GetComponent(); // Assign a unique and simple ID int targetId = _threatObjects.Count; = $"{config.threat_type}_Target_{targetId}"; ThreatData threatData = new ThreatData(threat,; _threatObjects.Add(threat); // Subscribe events threat.OnInterceptHit += RegisterThreatHit; threat.OnInterceptMiss += RegisterThreatMiss; // Let listeners know a new threat has been created OnNewThreat?.Invoke(threat); return threatObject.GetComponent(); } /// /// Creates an agent (interceptor or threat) based on the provided configuration and prefab name. /// /// Configuration settings for the agent. /// Name of the prefab to instantiate. /// The created GameObject instance, or null if creation failed. public GameObject CreateAgent(AgentConfig config, string prefabName) { GameObject prefab = Resources.Load($"Prefabs/{prefabName}"); if (prefab == null) { Debug.LogError($"Prefab '{prefabName}' not found in Resources/Prefabs folder."); return null; } Vector3 noiseOffset = Utilities.GenerateRandomNoise(config.standard_deviation.position); Vector3 noisyPosition = config.initial_state.position + noiseOffset; GameObject agentObject = Instantiate(prefab, noisyPosition, Quaternion.Euler(config.initial_state.rotation)); Rigidbody agentRigidbody = agentObject.GetComponent(); Vector3 velocityNoise = Utilities.GenerateRandomNoise(config.standard_deviation.velocity); Vector3 noisyVelocity = config.initial_state.velocity + velocityNoise; agentRigidbody.linearVelocity = noisyVelocity; agentObject.GetComponent().SetAgentConfig(config); return agentObject; } public void LoadNewConfig(string configFileName) { simulationConfig = ConfigLoader.LoadSimulationConfig(configFileName); if (simulationConfig != null) { Debug.Log($"Loaded new configuration: {configFileName}"); RestartSimulation(); } else { Debug.LogError($"Failed to load configuration: {configFileName}"); } } public void RestartSimulation() { OnSimulationEnded?.Invoke(); Debug.Log("Simulation ended"); // Reset simulation time _elapsedSimulationTime = 0f; simulationRunning = IsSimulationRunning(); // Clear existing interceptors and threats foreach (var interceptor in _interceptorObjects) { if (interceptor != null) { Destroy(interceptor.gameObject); } } foreach (var threat in _threatObjects) { if (threat != null) { Destroy(threat.gameObject); } } _interceptorObjects.Clear(); _activeInterceptors.Clear(); _threatObjects.Clear(); StartSimulation(); } void Update() { // Check if all missiles have terminated bool allInterceptorsTerminated = true; foreach (var interceptor in _interceptorObjects) { if (interceptor != null && !interceptor.IsHit() && !interceptor.IsMiss()) { allInterceptorsTerminated = false; break; } } // If all missiles have terminated, restart the simulation if (allInterceptorsTerminated) { RestartSimulation(); } if (simulationRunning && _elapsedSimulationTime < endTime) { _elapsedSimulationTime += Time.deltaTime; } else if (_elapsedSimulationTime >= endTime) { simulationRunning = false; Debug.Log("Simulation completed."); } } }