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2024-09-12 00:17:21 -07:00
using UnityEngine;
public class IdealSensor : Sensor
protected override void Start()
public override SensorOutput Sense(Agent target)
SensorOutput targetSensorOutput = new SensorOutput();
// Sense the target's position
PositionOutput targetPositionSensorOutput = SensePosition(target);
targetSensorOutput.position = targetPositionSensorOutput;
// Sense the target's velocity
VelocityOutput targetVelocitySensorOutput = SenseVelocity(target);
targetSensorOutput.velocity = targetVelocitySensorOutput;
return targetSensorOutput;
protected override PositionOutput SensePosition(Agent target)
PositionOutput positionSensorOutput = new PositionOutput();
// Calculate the relative position of the target
Vector3 relativePosition = target.transform.position - transform.position;
// Calculate the distance (range) to the target
positionSensorOutput.range = relativePosition.magnitude;
// Calculate azimuth (horizontal angle relative to forward)
positionSensorOutput.azimuth = Vector3.SignedAngle(transform.forward, relativePosition, transform.up);
// Calculate elevation (vertical angle relative to forward)
Vector3 flatRelativePosition = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(relativePosition, transform.up);
positionSensorOutput.elevation = Vector3.SignedAngle(flatRelativePosition, relativePosition, transform.right);
return positionSensorOutput;
// protected override VelocityOutput SenseVelocity(Agent target)
// {
// VelocityOutput velocitySensorOutput = new VelocityOutput();
// // Calculate the relative position of the target with respect to the agent
// Vector3 position = _agent.transform.position;
// Vector3 targetPosition = target.transform.position;
// Vector3 targetRelativePosition = targetPosition - position;
// // Calculate the relative velocity of the target with respect to the agent
// Vector3 velocity = _agent.GetVelocity();
// Vector3 targetVelocity = target.GetVelocity();
// Vector3 targetRelativeVelocity = targetVelocity - velocity;
// // Project the relative velocity vector onto the relative position vector
// Vector3 velocityProjectionOnRelativePosition = Vector3.Project(targetRelativeVelocity, targetRelativePosition);
// // Determine the sign of the range rate
// float rangeRateSign = Vector3.Dot(velocityProjectionOnRelativePosition, targetRelativePosition) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// // Calculate the range rate
// velocitySensorOutput.range = rangeRateSign * velocityProjectionOnRelativePosition.magnitude;
// // Project the relative velocity vector onto the sphere passing through the target
// Vector3 velocityProjectionOnAzimuthElevationSphere = targetRelativeVelocity - velocityProjectionOnRelativePosition;
// // The target azimuth vector is orthogonal to the relative position vector and
// // points to the starboard of the target along the azimuth-elevation sphere
// Vector3 targetAzimuth = Vector3.Cross(targetRelativePosition, _agent.transform.forward).normalized;
// // The target elevation vector is orthogonal to the relative position vector
// // and points upwards from the target along the azimuth-elevation sphere
// Vector3 targetElevation = Vector3.Cross(targetAzimuth, targetRelativePosition).normalized;
// // If the relative position vector is parallel to the yaw or pitch axis, the
// // target azimuth vector or the target elevation vector will be undefined
// if (targetAzimuth.magnitude == 0)
// {
// // In this case, we can use the right vector as the azimuth
// targetAzimuth = _agent.transform.right;
// // And recalculate the elevation vector
// targetElevation = Vector3.Cross(targetAzimuth, targetRelativePosition).normalized;
// }
// else if (targetElevation.magnitude == 0)
// {
// targetElevation = Vector3.Cross(targetAzimuth, targetRelativePosition);
// }
// // Project the relative velocity vector on the azimuth-elevation sphere onto the target azimuth vector
// Vector3 velocityProjectionOnTargetAzimuth = Vector3.Project(velocityProjectionOnAzimuthElevationSphere, targetAzimuth);
// // Determine the sign of the azimuth velocity
// float azimuthVelocitySign = Vector3.Dot(velocityProjectionOnTargetAzimuth, targetAzimuth) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// // Calculate the time derivative of the azimuth to the target
// velocitySensorOutput.azimuth = azimuthVelocitySign * velocityProjectionOnTargetAzimuth.magnitude / targetRelativePosition.magnitude;
// // Project the velocity vector on the azimuth-elevation sphere onto the target elevation vector
// Vector3 velocityProjectionOnTargetElevation = velocityProjectionOnAzimuthElevationSphere - velocityProjectionOnTargetAzimuth;
// // Determine the sign of the elevation velocity
// float elevationVelocitySign = Vector3.Dot(velocityProjectionOnTargetElevation, targetElevation) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// // Calculate the time derivative of the elevation to the target
// velocitySensorOutput.elevation = elevationVelocitySign * velocityProjectionOnTargetElevation.magnitude / targetRelativePosition.magnitude;
// return velocitySensorOutput;
// }
protected override VelocityOutput SenseVelocity(Agent target)
VelocityOutput velocitySensorOutput = new VelocityOutput();
// Calculate relative position and velocity
Vector3 relativePosition = target.transform.position - transform.position;
Vector3 relativeVelocity = target.GetVelocity() - GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity;
// Calculate range rate (radial velocity)
velocitySensorOutput.range = Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, relativePosition.normalized);
// Project relative velocity onto a plane perpendicular to relative position
Vector3 tangentialVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(relativeVelocity, relativePosition.normalized);
// Calculate azimuth rate
Vector3 horizontalVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(tangentialVelocity, transform.up);
velocitySensorOutput.azimuth = Vector3.Dot(horizontalVelocity, transform.right) / relativePosition.magnitude;
// Calculate elevation rate
Vector3 verticalVelocity = Vector3.Project(tangentialVelocity, transform.up);
velocitySensorOutput.elevation = verticalVelocity.magnitude / relativePosition.magnitude;
if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, transform.up) < 0)
velocitySensorOutput.elevation *= -1;
return velocitySensorOutput;