
310 lines
10 KiB

import json
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
import tls_client
from fastapi import status
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Tag
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, Future
from import JobPost
from api.core.scrapers import Scraper, ScraperInput, Site, StatusException
from import *
import math
class ZipRecruiterScraper(Scraper):
def __init__(self):
Initializes LinkedInScraper with the ZipRecruiter job search url
site = Site(Site.ZIP_RECRUITER)
url = ""
super().__init__(site, url)
self.jobs_per_page = 20
self.seen_urls = set()
def scrape_page(
self, scraper_input: ScraperInput, page: int, session: tls_client.Session
) -> tuple[list[JobPost], int | None]:
Scrapes a page of ZipRecruiter for jobs with scraper_input criteria
:param scraper_input:
:param page:
:param session:
:return: jobs found on page, total number of jobs found for search
job_list = []
job_type_value = None
if scraper_input.job_type:
if scraper_input.job_type.value == "fulltime":
job_type_value = "full_time"
elif scraper_input.job_type.value == "parttime":
job_type_value = "part_time"
job_type_value = scraper_input.job_type.value
params = {
"search": scraper_input.search_term,
"location": scraper_input.location,
"radius": scraper_input.distance,
"refine_by_location_type": "only_remote"
if scraper_input.is_remote
else None,
"refine_by_employment": f"employment_type:employment_type:{job_type_value}"
if job_type_value
else None,
"page": page,
response = session.get(
self.url + "/jobs-search",
if response.status_code != status.HTTP_200_OK:
raise StatusException(response.status_code)
html_string = response.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_string, "html.parser")
if page == 1:
script_tag = soup.find("script", {"id": "js_variables"})
data = json.loads(script_tag.string)
job_count = int(data["totalJobCount"].replace(",", ""))
job_count = None
job_posts = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "job_content"})
def process_job(job: Tag) -> Optional[JobPost]:
Parses a job from the job content tag
:param job: BeautifulSoup Tag for one job post
:return JobPost
job_url = job.find("a", {"class": "job_link"})["href"]
if job_url in self.seen_urls:
return None
title = job.find("h2", {"class": "title"}).text
company = job.find("a", {"class": "company_name"}).text.strip()
description, updated_job_url = ZipRecruiterScraper.get_description(job_url, session)
if updated_job_url is not None:
job_url = updated_job_url
if description is None:
description = job.find("p", {"class": "job_snippet"}).text.strip()
job_type_element = job.find("li", {"class": "perk_item perk_type"})
if job_type_element:
job_type_text = (
.replace("-", "")
.replace(" ", "")
if job_type_text == "contractor":
job_type_text = "contract"
job_type = JobType(job_type_text)
job_type = None
date_posted = ZipRecruiterScraper.get_date_posted(job)
job_post = JobPost(
return job_post
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
job_results: list[Future] = [
executor.submit(process_job, job) for job in job_posts
job_list = [result.result() for result in job_results if result.result()]
return job_list, job_count
def scrape(self, scraper_input: ScraperInput) -> JobResponse:
Scrapes ZipRecruiter for jobs with scraper_input criteria
:param scraper_input:
:return: job_response
session = tls_client.Session(
client_identifier="chrome112", random_tls_extension_order=True
pages_to_process = math.ceil(scraper_input.results_wanted / self.jobs_per_page)
#: get first page to initialize session
job_list, total_results = self.scrape_page(scraper_input, 1, session)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
futures: list[Future] = [
executor.submit(self.scrape_page, scraper_input, page, session)
for page in range(2, pages_to_process + 1)
for future in futures:
jobs, _ = future.result()
job_list += jobs
except StatusException as e:
return JobResponse(
error=f"ZipRecruiter returned status code {e.status_code}",
#: note: this does not handle if the results are more or less than the results_wanted
if len(job_list) > scraper_input.results_wanted:
job_list = job_list[: scraper_input.results_wanted]
job_response = JobResponse(
return job_response
def get_description(
job_page_url: str, session: tls_client.Session
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
Retrieves job description by going to the job page url
:param job_page_url:
:param session:
:return: description or None, response url
response = session.get(
job_page_url, headers=ZipRecruiterScraper.headers(), allow_redirects=True
if response.status_code not in range(200, 400):
return None, None
html_string = response.content
soup_job = BeautifulSoup(html_string, "html.parser")
job_description_div = soup_job.find("div", {"class": "job_description"})
if job_description_div:
return job_description_div.text.strip(), response.url
return None, response.url
def get_interval(interval_str: str):
Maps the interval alias to its appropriate CompensationInterval.
:param interval_str
:return: CompensationInterval
interval_alias = {"annually": CompensationInterval.YEARLY}
interval_str = interval_str.lower()
if interval_str in interval_alias:
return interval_alias[interval_str]
return CompensationInterval(interval_str)
def get_date_posted(job: BeautifulSoup) -> Optional[str]:
Extracts the date a job was posted
:param job
:return: date the job was posted or None
button = job.find(
"button", {"class": "action_input save_job zrs_btn_secondary_200"}
url_time = button["data-href"]
url_components = urlparse(url_time)
params = parse_qs(url_components.query)
return params.get("posted_time", [None])[0]
def get_compensation(job: BeautifulSoup) -> Optional[Compensation]:
Parses the compensation tag from the job BeautifulSoup object
:param job
:return: Compensation object or None
pay_element = job.find("li", {"class": "perk_item perk_pay"})
if pay_element is None:
return None
pay = pay_element.find("div", {"class": "value"}).find("span").text.strip()
def create_compensation_object(pay_string: str) -> Compensation:
Creates a Compensation object from a pay_string
:param pay_string
:return: compensation
interval = ZipRecruiterScraper.get_interval(pay_string.split()[-1])
amounts = []
for amount in pay_string.split("to"):
amount = amount.replace(",", "").strip("$ ").split(" ")[0]
if "K" in amount:
amount = amount.replace("K", "")
amount = float(amount) * 1000
amount = float(amount)
compensation = Compensation(
interval=interval, min_amount=min(amounts), max_amount=max(amounts)
return compensation
return create_compensation_object(pay)
def get_location(job: BeautifulSoup) -> Location:
Extracts the job location from BeatifulSoup object
:param job:
:return: location
location_link = job.find("a", {"class": "company_location"})
if location_link is not None:
location_string = location_link.text.strip()
parts = location_string.split(", ")
if len(parts) == 2:
city, state = parts
city, state = None, None
city, state = None, None
return Location(
def headers() -> dict:
Returns headers needed for requests
:return: dict - Dictionary containing headers
return {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36"