import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials import csv from io import StringIO from datetime import datetime from import * from ...scrapers import * from settings import * class CSVFormatter: @staticmethod def fetch_job_urls(credentials: Any) -> set: """ Fetches all the job urls from the google sheet to prevent duplicates :param credentials: :return: urls """ try: gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) sh = worksheet = sh.get_worksheet(0) data = worksheet.get_all_values() job_urls = set() for row in data[1:]: job_urls.add(row[3]) return job_urls except Exception as e: raise e @staticmethod def upload_to_google_sheet(csv_data: str): """ Appends rows to google sheet :param csv_data: :return: """ try: scope = [ "", "", "", ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( "client_secret.json", scope ) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) sh = worksheet = sh.get_worksheet(0) data_string = csv_data.getvalue() reader = csv.reader(StringIO(data_string)) job_urls = CSVFormatter.fetch_job_urls(credentials) rows = list(reader) for i, row in enumerate(rows): if i == 0: continue if row[4] in job_urls: continue row[6] = format(int(row[6]), ",d") if row[6] else "" row[7] = format(int(row[7]), ",d") if row[7] else "" worksheet.append_row(row) except Exception as e: raise e @staticmethod def generate_filename() -> str: """ Adds a timestamp to the filename header :return: filename """ timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") return f"JobSpy_results_{timestamp}.csv" @staticmethod def format(jobs: CommonResponse) -> StringIO: """ Transfomr the jobs objects into csv :param jobs: :return: csv """ output = StringIO() writer = csv.writer(output) headers = [ "Title", "Company Name", "City", "State", "Job Type", "Pay Cycle", "Min Amount", "Max Amount", "Date Posted", "Description", "Job URL", ] writer.writerow(headers) for site, job_response in jobs.dict().items(): if isinstance(job_response, dict) and job_response.get("success"): for job in job_response["jobs"]: writer.writerow( [ job["title"], job["company_name"], job["location"]["city"], job["location"]["state"], job["job_type"].value if job.get("job_type") else "", job["compensation"]["interval"].value if job["compensation"] else "", job["compensation"]["min_amount"] if job["compensation"] else "", job["compensation"]["max_amount"] if job["compensation"] else "", job.get("date_posted", ""), job["description"], job["job_url"], ] ) return output